
One emerging area of mental health treatments that has generated much discussion and controversy is Psychedelic Therapy. The use of psychedelic substances in therapeutic settings aims to treat various mental health disorders including depression, PTSD and anxiety; yet its acceptance, perception and knowledge remains variable.

This report seeks to provide a comprehensive survey of public perception and awareness regarding Psychedelic Therapy. By employing qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, we attempted to understand respondents’ feelings, concerns, and general awareness regarding this alternative therapy option from all age, gender and geographic demographic groups. Our objective was to gain an in-depth insight into where people stand regarding this alternative therapy option.

Executive Summary:

A significant proportion (65%) of respondents (excluding 36% ) reported some form of familiarity with Psychedelic Therapy. Only 17% claimed to be very knowledgeable, 48% somewhat knowledgeable, while the remaining 36% of respondents did not know anything about this form of treatment.

General Perception: Qualitative analysis revealed mixed opinions. While some respondents exhibited a positive reception, seeing potential benefits, others voiced concerns about its legitimacy. In terms of using psychedelic substances in therapy, 54% are supportive, 30% remain neutral, and a minor 10% are opposed to the idea.

Personal Consideration: If recommended by a healthcare provider, 30% are very open to trying Psychedelic Therapy, with 50% open to considering it. However, 12% of respondents would not be open to the idea.

Combining with Traditional Methods: A majority (61%) favor combining psychedelic therapy with traditional methods. 13% remain unsure, highlighting an area for further exploration and education.

Decision Influencers: Safety and research emerged as dominant factors in deciding whether to opt for Psychedelic Therapy. Many respondents voiced the need for solid research, proven results, and understanding of the drugs used.

Information Sources: 73% would seek information from medical or healthcare professionals, followed by online articles (51%) and academic journals or books (25%).

Perceived Societal Benefits: While many respondents were uncertain about the benefits, there was a general consensus that if successful, Psychedelic Therapy could play a pivotal role in addressing mental health issues.

Detailed Report by Question:

  1. Familiarity with the concept of Psychedelic Therapy

Very Familiar: 17% (17 respondents)

Somewhat Familiar: 48% (48 respondents)

Not Familiar: 36% (36 respondents)

  1. Overall thoughts and feelings about psychedelic therapy

Lack of Knowledge:

“never heard of it”

“dont know what it is”

“i have no idea what it is”

Positive Reception:

“i think they could be beneficial depending on the person and other mental and physical factors.”

“i’m open to it and think it could work for some people.”

“i think it’s a really good therapy to get if you need it”

Concerns about Legitimacy:

“it sounds interesting but I dont know”

“i feel that it is not effective”

“it is the new crazy as the government finds more ways to legalize drugs.”

  1.  General opinion about using psychedelic substances in a controlled therapeutic setting

Supportive: 54% (54 respondents)

Neutral: 30% (30 respondents)

Opposed: 10% (10 respondents)

Unsure: 10% (10 respondents)

  1. Feelings if a close friend or family member considered undergoing psychedelic therapy


“if that is what they wanted to do i would support them”

“i’d be supportive and happy for them because why not try”

“i would be supportive if that was the next step in treatment.”


“i would not agree with it because it doesn’t seem safe”

“i would want to make sure that they received all of the information needed to make a good decision.”

“i would be supportive. but it is only a therapy for grave emotional disorders.”

  1. Openness to trying psychedelic therapy if recommended by a healthcare provider

Very Open: 30% (30 respondents)

Open to Consideration: 50% (50 respondents)

Not Open: 12% (12 respondents)

Unsure: 8% (8 respondents)

  1. Factors for considering psychedelic therapy and trust in the provider

Reputation and Knowledge:

“if they had a solid reputation”

“proven results with people similar to me”

“they need to be trained on any substances that they are providing”

Comfort and Setting:

“controlled setting”

“a clean, calm environment.”

“good reviews and i would like them to stay in the room with me”

  1. Feelings about combining psychedelic therapy with traditional therapy methods

Strongly Favor: 23% (23 respondents)

Favor: 38% (38 respondents)

Indifferent: 21% (21 respondents)

Oppose: 8% (8 respondents)

Unsure: 13% (13 respondents)

  1. Factors influencing the decision to choose or avoid psychedelic therapy

Safety and Research:

“the types of drugs they use”

“research if it safe”

“i would definitely do my research on the substance as used”

Efficacy and Results:

“i’d need to hear about positive results before i would try it.”

“no success with any other treatments”

“i would have to weigh the negatives with the positives and make an educated decision.”

  1. Sources for seeking information about psychedelic therapy

Medical or healthcare professionals: 73% (73 respondents)

Online articles or websites: 51% (51 respondents)

Books or academic journals: 25% (25 respondents)

Friends or family members: 25% (25 respondents)

Social media or online forums: 20% (20 respondents)

Other: 3% (3 respondents)

10. Perceived benefits of successful psychedelic therapy in society


“not sure”

“i am not familiar with it at all so therefore i cannot answer this question”

“i really have no clue”

Positive Impact:

“the benefits could be endless if it works”

“i think it could help a lot of people.”

“people would be able to handle their mental illnesses more efficiently”


Raise Awareness and Education: Since 36% of respondents were unfamiliar with Psychedelic Therapy, there’s an excellent opportunity for education campaigns, seminars, or workshops to increase public understanding about its potential advantages and risks.

Professional Training: Make sure healthcare providers are well-trained in administering Psychedelic Therapy, including knowledge of its substances, their potential side effects and optimal therapeutic practices.

Research and Documentation: To address questions of legitimacy and efficacy regarding Psychedelic Therapy, more extensive research must be undertaken. Documenting successful case studies can also assist in building credibility for this therapy approach.

Emphasize Safety Protocols: With safety as the cornerstone of psychedelic therapy being such an issue, it would be advisable to standardize and publish safety procedures related to it in order to allay some fears associated with it.

Expanding Information Channels: Although medical professionals remain the go-to source of knowledge, using other avenues like online platforms, podcasts and TV shows to reach a broader audience is also crucial for providing accurate healthcare advice.

Collaboration With Traditional Therapists: Given the positive results from combining Psychedelic Therapy with traditional methods, encouraging collaboration between them may prove advantageous in providing patients with more holistic treatments options.

Public Testimonials: By encouraging individuals who have experienced psychedelic therapy to share their stories publicly, encouraging public testimonials of such treatments may help normalize the therapy and allay any concerns or skepticism associated with its practice.

Age-Specific Outreach: Tailor educational and promotional content according to age demographics. For instance, given the high interest among 25-34 age group individuals, specific campaigns could be designed specifically to target them.

Regular Updates: Due to the constantly evolving nature of this field, regular updates on research findings, protocol revisions and success stories must be provided to the public.

Considerations of Regulations: Engage with policymakers to ensure Psychedelic Therapy remains within the confines of the law, emphasizing its therapeutic rather than recreational nature.


The landscape of mental health care is changing quickly, with Psychedelic Therapy emerging as an exciting frontier. This report has documented varied public perceptions ranging from enthusiasm to skepticism of this approach to treating depression and other conditions. A considerable portion of people understand its concept; however, another significant segment remains unaware indicating heightened awareness efforts may be necessary.

Safety and efficacy are of utmost importance, underscoring the significance of extensive research, professional training and stringent protocols. Psychedelic Therapy’s potential acceptance as an add-on therapy speaks volumes for its potential acceptance if presented as such rather than as an alternative solution.

While any innovative approach faces its share of hurdles on its journey towards mainstream acceptance, armed with these findings from this report stakeholders have an easy path ahead to make sure decisions align with public sentiment and are data driven.

Future success of Psychedelic Therapy hinges upon concerted efforts from researchers, healthcare providers, and policymakers to address concerns, fill knowledge gaps, and ultimately harness its potential for holistic mental wellbeing.

The findings of this report shed light on the current state of public awareness and sentiment towards Psychedelic Therapy, helping industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers understand where the therapy stands in the broader public’s eyes.


Sample size n=100. Age: those aged 25-34 were found to make up 29%, followed by those between 35-44 and over 54 at 24% and 23% respectively. Gender distribution leans slightly male with 54% being male and 46% being female. Racial and ethnic distribution 73% identified as White while Black and Asian users made up 14% and 5% respectively of the user base. Geographic diversity across U.S. cities could also be seen with California having 14% of respondents while Texas and Florida held 12% each with major cities like San Diego Dallas or Miami making up smaller percentages of the total.


18 – 24: The younger crowd, making up 7%, are present, but they aren’t the most predominant group.

25 – 34: The most dominant group, they comprise 29% of the user base, indicating a pronounced tilt toward young adults.

35 – 44: A notable 24% of users belong to this age bracket.

45 – 54: This age segment represents 17% of users, denoting it as a key demographic.

54: This age category, encompassing 23%, underscores the allure for the older population.

Gender Distribution:

Female: They constitute 46% of users

Male: Males represent 54% of users


White: 73%

Black: 14%

Asian: 5%

Hispanic: 4%

Other: 2%

Multiracial: 1%

Prefer not to say: 1%

Arab and Latino: 0% each.

US Cities

Diverse in nature, users emerge from cities big and small. Recognizable cities like San Diego (2%), Dallas (3%), and Miami (2%) are represented. Distributed geographically, 14% come from California, 12% from Texas, and 9% from Florida

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