Freedom to Operate (FTO) is a non-profit organization that plays an essential role in the realm of psychedelic research and medical development. Their primary mission is ensuring substances such as LSD and psilocybin remain available for scientific exploration as well as therapeutic uses, by challenging patents they consider inappropriate or invalid – particularly any that restrict or impede research in this field.

The organization focuses its activities around funding groundbreaking research in areas they feel have been neglected in patent claims. One key activity is their quantification of specific polymorphic forms of LSD and Psilocybin crystals – something they say has contributed significantly to understanding these substances among scientists. FTO advocates for free competition in psychedelic research.

They contend that patents that seek to appropriate preexisting knowledge and sell it as new inventions constitute misuse of the patent system; by challenging such patents, FTO seeks to prevent research and innovation blockages caused by mistakenly issued patents and inappropriate rights. FTO is supported by various funders and supporters who share its vision, who contribute financially as well.

Their approach not only involves challenging existing status quo but also encouraging further research for creating an inclusive psychedelic studies field. Their efforts represent an integral aspect of the psychedelic renaissance, representing a wider movement to acknowledge and utilize psychedelic compounds as potential treatments for mental health conditions.

Carey Turnbull, CEO, manages these activities without compensation and with the assistance of legal, medical, and technical experts.

Visit Freedom to Operate’s website for a deeper understanding of their mission, activities, and impact.

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