Here is a review all of the responses to our survey questions at MAPS Psychedelic Science 2023 providing themes, insights, and recommendations to emerge within members the psychedelic industry. Here is a comprehensive summary:





Overall, the survey responses demonstrate a vibrant and varied psychedelic industry landscape, revealing passions, challenges, and aspirations among participants. Through collaboration, addressing challenges head-on, and advocating for responsible practices within this sector, individuals and communities alike can continue to benefit.

Study intent:
The intent of this survey was to gather information on participants’ involvement in the psychedelic industry, their perspectives on what works well and what could be improved, and their vision of success.

Definition of Survey Cohort:
For this survey, the cohort includes individuals who attended MAPS 2023 Psychedelic Science conference. They represent professionals, researchers, practitioners, advocates, and enthusiasts within the psychedelic community.

Survey Methodology:
At MAPS 2023 Psychedelic Science conference, n=63 participants responded to a survey questionnaire distributed directly at the conference venue.

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